Approximately 25 visitors attended Thursday’s Ellwood City Area School District’s Board of Directors meeting—many to express their opposition to the location of the new softball field.
During their July meeting the Board of Directors unanimously approved a plan to commit to improving district softball and baseball facilities, including a newly constructed softball field on the Ewing Park School property and renovations to the existing baseball field as recommended by the ECASD Board Athletic Committee at a cost of $3,329,000 (see a list of detailed costs in photos).
Mike Smith, who lives on Beatty Street, said he recently received a threat via postal mail warning him not to oppose the field.
Smith said the threat has since been turned into authorities and will not deter him.
“I absolutely oppose the softball field,” he said.
Emily Denome, who lives on Wood Street, said she opposes the location for many reasons, and feels that the school board did not take the residents into consideration when voting unanimously to approve the plan. She said she felt the decision was sneaky and claimed that it violated the sunshine law. She said she is filing a formal complaint with the Governor’s office. One of her major concerns with the location is the additional traffic the field will create in what she believes is an already congested area.
“We live there and have lived there for years,” she said. “I know how bad the traffic can get.”
Denome also raised concerns about property values declining.
“I will be at every Damn meeting,” she said.
Tori Jones, lives at the corner of Washington and Wood Streets, and said he has no doubt the traffic will be an issue. He also had concern for the use of the space.
“That is a nice, open green space,” he said. “I’d like for it to stay that way.”
Patty Clout lives on Wood Street and she said she is concerned with the safety of residents as well as destruction of property that could occur in such close quarters.
“That net will not keep foul balls in,” she said. “It’s too tight of a fit. It’s too congested there and too close.”
- The proposed softball field
- Baseball Field
- Costs
- Costs
Motions Passed:
- Motion to approve Minutes from July 13, 2023 Combined Meeting and July 27, 2023 Special Meeting.
- Motion to Approve General Fund Treasurer’s Report in the amount of $ 35,672,140.80. The summary of accounts are as follows.
- WesBanco Checking $ 359, 648.20
- Tax Accounts; $ 2,128,956.43
- PLGIT: $ 33,181,680.16
- PSDLAF: $ 1,453.01
- PA Invest: $ 403.02
- Motion to approve the following as mentors for the 2023-24 school year.
- Heidi Feltrop and Matthew Skoczylas as co-mentors for Bridget Sereday, K-6 Elementary Librarian/Gifted Coordinator.
- Cindy Friello as mentor for Brian Burkhart, Secondary Computer Science teacher.
- Motion to approve clerical, custodial and cafeteria substitute lists for 2023-24 school year.
- Motion to hire David Liebert as full time custodian in accordance with the current SEIU Agreement pending completion of pre-employment paperwork.
- Motion to accept resignation of Hannah Aikins, Instructional Aide effective immediately.
- Motion to approve EC Transit Bus Drivers for the 2023-24 school year.
- Motion to approve the Geotechnical Investigation Proposal for the Lincoln High School at an estimated cost of $8,347.00.
- Motion to approve the following Facility requsests:
- EC Wrestling Boosters requests the use of the LHS Big gym, LHS small gym, LHS cafeteria for a Junior High and Junior Varsity tournament to be held on Saturday, December 23, 2023 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.
- EC Alumni Hall of Fame Committee requests the use of the rear parking lot of LHS and big gym on Sunday, August 13, 2023 with a rain date of Sunday, August 20, 2023 for a car cruise/craft show from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
- Lincoln Blue Band Boosters requests the use of the visitors side concession stand at Helling Stadium for the home football games.
- Motion to approve Disposal of a large wooden display case at North Side Primary and various broken and unused furnishings and fixtures currently stored in Perry Lower Intermediate and North Side Primary in accordance with Policy 706.1.
- Motion to approve the McGuire Memorial Educational Services Agreement for the 2023-24 school year for four students at a total cost of $64,752.73.
- Motion to approve the annual Statement of Non-Discrimination for the 2023-24 school year.
- Motion to approve the Annual Notice to Parents and Elligible Students on the Family Education and Privacy Rights (FERPA) and State Board Policies for the 2023-24 school year.
- Motion to approve MIU IV Itinerant Occupational Therapist at North Side Primary for the 2023-2024 school year at a cost of $7,656.00.
- Motion to approve Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit ESL Instruction Program for the 2023-24 School year for 3 students at a rate of $105.00 per hour.
I grew up on Foch St. when there was a softball field and horseshoe pitching on what now is the parking lot for the swimming pool. We played softball/baseball on a makeshift field behind what was the Ewing Park elementary school. Nearby was the Park, used for all kinds of events from family picnics, hiking, teen dances in the main shelter, a real treasure for a small town. The homes in Ewing Park were a potpourri of everything from “tube mill” homes to custom built homes, each with its own unique design. It was a peaceful, safe and happy place to grow up. A blend of all kinds of people enjoying the good times and bad, the laid back coming and going of those times. Now I see where those in city government want to make the triangle of what was once the school grounds into a regulation softball field with parking lots, maybe lighting at some point, probably a food concession, and lots of traffic at all times of the day. Plus the dust, litter and noise that accompanies facilities like these. Surely a disruption of the lifestyles enjoyed by the homeowners who bought there for the peace and tranquility the area offered. If I still lived on Foch Street, I would be joining the homeowners who oppose this action by the City.