The resounding message provided by Ellwood City Borough Council on Monday was urgency from officials to follow the rules and the laws and to take pride in their city.
Mayor Anthony Court warned residents that speeding and stop sign violations will result in citations.
“This is the warning,” he said.
Councilman Rob Brough addressed blight and said that violations of ordinances regarding yard waste and lawn maintenance will be enforced. Specific requirements can be viewed by clicking here.
Borough Manager David Allen said because of incidents of vandalism, cameras will be installed in Ewing Park for monitoring.
He also provided an update on the new trash collection program. The final delivery day for the new trash carts for Ellwood City Borough residents will be Saturday June 26th. Residents are NOT to use the carts until Thursday, July 1st and are to continue to use the yellow bags until then. The new contract with Valley Waste will begin on July 1st. Any refuse placed into the carts, or any bag other than the yellow bag, WILL BE LEFT BEHIND, no exceptions.

Sam Pawlowski, center, is pictured with his daughter Linda List and son Larry Pawlowski, who traveled from Altoona to see his father receive the commendation.
Council also gave a special commendation to Sam Pawlowski for his more than 25 years of volunteer service to the community. Pawlowski is most known for his dedication to Christmas in the Park, although he does numerous tasks to upkeep Legion Park as well as a focus on other city beautification projects.
Court and Councilwoman Judith Dici were also recognized for their Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB) involvement. Dici was recently named President of the PSAB’s Councils Association and Court President of the PSAB Association of Mayors.
In other council news:
Passed motions:
- A motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held 5/17/21, as submitted.
- A motion to approve the Pre-Paid Voucher List dated 6/16/21, in the amount of $523,914.89, and the List of Vouchers to be Paid dated 6/16/21, in the amount of $631,736.06.
- A motion to approve the Departmental Reports, as submitted.
- A motion to approve NOT doing the June monthly transfer in the amount of $120,833.33 to the General Fund from the Electric Fund.
- A motion to approve the request by the EC Area Chamber of Commerce to hold a Fall Fest/Car Cruise on September 25. It is further requested to close Lawrence Avenue from 4th to 10th Street from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (actual event is 11a.m.– 5 p.m.).
- A motion to approve the quote from ISVUS in the amount of $9,450 for the upfitting of the new Fire Chief’s vehicle. This amount will be paid from the General Fund.
- A motion to approve the request by the EC Area Chamber of Commerce to hold a Let There Be Lights and Reindeer Caravan event December 4 from 6-9 p.m. on Lawrence Avenue and December 5 from 5-7 p.m. on Lawrence & Beaver Avenues. It is further requested to close Lawrence Avenue from 4th – 6th Street at 3p.m. for the event.
- A motion to award the bid for the Meadowridge/Pinecrest Acres Paving Project to Youngblood Paving in the amount of $120,349. This amount will be paid from the 2017 Bond Issue.
- A motion to advertise an amendment to the trash ordinance allowing for the use of trash carts (35 or 96 gallon).
- A motion to approve the quote from Bobcat in the amount of $43,200.91 (Costars), which includes the trade-in of a 430 Bobcat with a 24” bucket (S/N 563013107), for the purchase of an E50 R2 Series Bobcat Compact Excavator. This amount will be paid from the General Fund.
- A motion to approve the quote from Rehrig Pacific Co. in the amount of $15,117.60 for the purchase of 120 recycling carts and 120 yard waste carts. This amount will be paid from the Recycling Fund.
- A motion to approve the following:
- the request by the EC Girls Softball team to use the men’s field July 16, 17 & 18 from 6 a.m. – 11p.m. for a tournament
- the request by the EC Girls Softball team to use the Lil’ Angels field July 17 & 18 from 6 a.m. – 11p.m. for a tournament
- the request to use the sand volleyball court June 7 – August 9 on Mondays from 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. for a summer league
- the request by the LHS volleyball team to use the sand volleyball court June & July (Mondays from 8 a.m. – 10 a.m., Wednesdays & Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 11a.m.)
- the request by the EC Area Chamber of Commerce to host an “Ugly Sweater 5K” event on December 4 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. in Ewing Park.
- A motion to advertise an amendment to the Police Pension Ordinance, specifically amending the paragraph entitled “Amount of Benefit” as it pertains to a disability retirement.
- A motion to approve the employment of the following individuals for summer work, contingent upon satisfactory background checks/clearances:
- Makinley Magill, Playground $8.00, Child Abuse, Criminal History, Fingerprint Criminal History
- Ryan Gibbons, Playground $8.00, Child Abuse, Criminal History, Fingerprint Criminal History
- Timothy Keul, Parks $8.00, Criminal History, Driver’s History
- A motion to re-advertise for the position of Part-time Patrolman (Non-Civil Service).
- A motion to accept the resignation of Ptl. Matthew Liberatore effective 6/29/21, his last day of employment.
- A motion to approve the monthly disability pension benefit in the amount of $3,905.47 for Ptl. Matthew Liberatore, as submitted by the Actuary. This amount will be paid from the Police Pension Plan.
- A motion to approve the “Separation from Employment & Resolution of Heart & Lung Benefits Agreement” for Matthew Liberatore.
- A motion to approve the following sewer tap in fee: George Sewall, III, 109 White Fox Court, Unit #29 – 1 tap, 1 EDU, $1,000
- A motion to approve the bid for the Beaver Co. Repository property located on Summit Avenue (land) (22-001-0825.000) (40-029700) to Paul Sebastian Perrotta for $1,598.00.
- A motion to approve the request by the Keystone Bar to close First Street from Buckeye Way to Fountain Avenue on July 24 from 4-9pm for a benefit.
- Lawrence Co. will hold a “Hard to Recycle” event July 13 from 9-1 p.m. at the public works garage (holiday lights, thermostats, fluorescent tubes & CFLs, shoes, cell phone, electronic MEDIA only)
How can we eliminate blight in the Boro. when we can’t even get our trash picked up?