Reminiscing Pe’Wee’s Lunch at Ellwood City Historical Society

Everything turned out perfectly. The Pe’Wee Lunch Exhibit brought together people from all generations.

It all started as a project to be involved with the Ellwood City Annual Fall Fest, which was canceled due to Covid-19. The Historical Society decided to continue with PE’WEE LUNCH Exhibit, a: TRADITION FOR MANY GENERATIONS, A MEMORY AND TRADITION.

The officers and board of directors had so many things planned for this year. Guest speakers for the monthly meetings, History On The Street in April, the annual Ellwood City Arts, Crafts and Food Festival in July, the Trolley project, Fall Fest in September and of curse Light Up Night in November. Then came the dreaded Covid-19 cancellations. But the one we stuck with was the PeWee Lunch Exhibit scheduled in conjunction with the Fall Fest, Saturday, September 26 was set, and we felt the need to stay with it.

The exhibit will remain in the History Center through the month of October

In our archives we had the start. There is the original front window, a stool, the menu board, some photos and a lot of memories.

Don Ries was contacted to design and erect the display. He was so very excited to do this, and brought with him David Cunningham and David Prestopine, They worked diligently, and had fun completing their assignment perfectly.

Louise Carroll was approached to do some publicity. Photos and newspaper articles were searched for. Former employees, patrons and family came to express their comments. Rick Venezie’s song When Pe’Wee’s Closed Down, which he wrote and recorded, was played for all to hear. Denise Ventriglia Sharek, daughter of Mena Gelles sister was interviewed. Denise ran the restaurant in the final years until closing. Gene Coccia was also interviewed. His mother worked there over 30 years, and his daughter Kelly had worked there.

Word got out about the exhibit. Many comments appeared on Facebook. Immediately visitors came in to view the setup. Many of them returned with items from Pe’Wees to place in the exhibit.

T-shirts were made depicting the Ellwood City Area Historical Society logo and the caption “I SURVIVED A BOWL OF DEATH AND A NIGHTMARE AT PE’WEE LUNCH”.

These items are on sale at the History Center.

The display was open Saturday September 26 (scheduled Fall Fest date) with free hot dogs, courtesy Mario’s Giant Eagle of Ellwood City. The weather was perfect. Early the guests appeared. The stories were told reminiscing different experiences at this local restaurant. Not only did the patrons come, but many of the former workers and family came. A Coffee Basket was won by Blanch Novak. Her winning ticket was drawn by Harley Shaw, the grandniece of the restaurant owner Mena Gelles.

The exhibit will remain in the History through the month of October. The Center is open Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm.

Please visit the historical society webpage for more information, or visit

2 Comments on "Reminiscing Pe’Wee’s Lunch at Ellwood City Historical Society"

  1. Linda Turner(Tidemanson) | September 30, 2020 at 9:06 pm | Reply

    Loved the picture and story. I’m from Ellwood City and ate many,many of Pep Wee’s hot dogs and chili dogs. Hardly ever sat down inside. Family from Beaver Falls would to visit us and off we go to Pe’ Wee’s. Good memories.

  2. MARGIE CIOFFI | April 14, 2021 at 2:32 pm | Reply

    The original peewees chilli recipe was on Facebook once is there any chance of getting it?

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