EC Historical Society: March Is National Girl Scout Mounth

The March meeting of the Ellwood City Area Historical Society was called to order and WWII veteran Guy Prestia led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the February meeting were read by Secretary Lois Liebendorfer, and the Treasurer’s report was given by Charles Brown.

In the absence of Andy Kindle, Ways and Means Chairman, the group was informed that the Board has agreed to have a PeWee’s replica set up in the meeting room during this year’s Ellwood City’s Fall Fest in September.  Plans are to have hot dogs, chili and chocolate milk, PeWee’s basic menu.

Bob Morabito, Programs and Publicity Chairman advised the April meeting speaker will be Jeff Bales, administrator of the website,; speaking on various aspects of the history of Lawrence County and surrounding   areas.  The May meeting will be the presentation of two  $1,500.00 scholarships to eligible seniors pursuing higher education from Lincoln and Riverside High Schools.  September’s meeting will be the awards banquet featuring Marino  Parascenzo, a local syndicated sportswriter as the speaker.    Barry Kline will speak on the Ellwood City Soap Box Derby program in October.

The Accessioning Committee is looking for someone to help with decorating and changing displays in the museum which would require only 3-4 hours of their time each month.

As the weather warms up, preparing and painting necessary areas on the outside of the building will begin.

They will not be working through the summer when school is not in session but will begin again in September.

President Everett Bleakney gave some background on the history of Girl Scouting in Ellwood City after which he turned the meeting over to Janet Kelly, Scout leader of the local Girl Scouts.  Janet has been involved in Girl Scouting since she was in 2nd grade as a Brownie, Junior, and Cadette Scout.  As an adult, she became re-involved in Scouting in 2006 through her daughter when they needed a new Brownie leader.  Since then, she has served as Ellwood City Troop Leader, Ellwood City Service Unit Manager, Day Camp Director, Co-Director Lawrence County Girl Scout Committee, New Leader Facilitator, and Program Aide Trainer.   Janet presented an interesting program on their ideals and the many changes in the Girl Scout program thru the years.  She mentioned the many area camps used for the Girl Scouts over the years, including Camp Ellwood, Camp Fombellina, Camp Conno Que, Camp Elliot and Camp Agawam.  Many questions were answered concerning today’s Scouting program.  Following the program, Everett presented Kelly with a keepsake historical map of Ellwood City.

Helen Bowers brought in three pictures of Girl Scouts at Camp Ellwood in the early 1940s, a Season’s Greeting ruler from Perry and Foster Furniture Store and a 100th Anniversary glass Pyramid recognizing the Ellwood City Hospital; for the meeting’s Show and Tell discussion.

Door prizes were then awarded to Kathie Phillips, Amy Blank, and Melissa Gebrosky.

The meeting was adjourned and Alexis  Estabrook,  along with Scout Leaders and Scouts served refreshments.

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