Two Part-Time Policemen Hired by Borough

During yesterdays council meeting, council voted to pass an exception: at the Regular Meeting of Council held 9/19/16, Council voted to discontinue the shooting range at Stiefel Park, effective 12/31/16, to be in compliance with the Master Park Plan. However, a motion would be in order to make a one-time exception to use the shooting range in Stiefel Park to qualify one of the newly hired part-time officers (Gary Greene, Jr.).

According to Bob Villella, the Borough Manager, two part-time officers have been hired by the Borough; one of which, Matt Morabito, has started last Wednesday, while Greene is expected to be starting soon after finalizing his testing.

After last years hire of a full-time officer to reduce Borough spending, the idea of hiring the part-time patrolmen is also to promote less spending on police overtime and benefits. Full article on the hiring of a full-time officer here.

Although it is uncertain if the Borough will be hiring a third part-time officer, Villella did say they were still accepting applications.

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