Updated- 12/15/16– Few visitors were in attendance at Ellwood City’s December Council Meeting, and those who attended did not publicly speak. The main discussion matter was adopting a 2017 budget that, for a fourth consecutive year, includes a property tax increase.
- Resolution- adopt 2017 Budget
- Ordinance- adopt 2017 tax rate, 8.75 mill
Under finance, the ordinance to adopt the 2017 tax rate of 8.75 mill was discussed by council.
On the average property owned in Ellwood City (averaging about $60,000), taxes will be expected to increase roughly $60 a year to accommodate the increase, Bob Villella, the Borough Manager said.
He further mentioned that the increase is a necessity due to the revitalization projects that the Borough is currently working on -including the public works and electric buildings.
With the increase factored in, the Borough’s 2017 budget would be $15,588,516.
Public Safety
- Change to order- $6635.53 for new firetruck (new total $599,999) paid from 2016 Bond Issue.
Council briefly discussed that they will be deciding if the fire department will be allowed to burn some old buildings in the Borough for firefighter training classes.
Public Works
- Advertise Bids- fuel tank removal at public works building
- County Aid Request- $20,800 repair of concrete section of radius on 6th at Glen
- Award bid- Pgh Circle Heritage Park Project
There was a brief discussion about the bids; 2 separate contracts one with 5 bids and the other with 4. Bob Villella said the bids seemed to be considerably lower than previous bids.
- Employment- part-time patrolman
- Adopt Ordinance- Code Book Updates
- Police Pension Plan- COLAs for police retirees for 1/1/17 (Betz, Hardie, Lubich, Damon)
Judy Dici asked about the living adjustments for retirement plans for a few of the officers.
Connie MacDonald, Council President, stated that if council passes the plan, there will be some changes and it will be discussed further at the next meeting.
- Appointments- vacancies on Boards/Commissions
- Adopt Lease Agreement- EC Borough & EC Area Family Center
- Resignation- Jaki Grover, Code Enforcement Officer, effective 12/18/16 (last day)
- Resignation- Nancy Salinger, Billing Clerk, effective 1/6/17 (last day)
- Advertise- Clerical position(s), if necessary (after posting opening, per Clerical Contract)
- Frank B. Taylor Engineering- Professional Service Fees, effective 1/1/17
- Tax Collector salary increase
- Town Center Associates- Consultant Agreement
- Resolution- police Pension contribution for 2017 – continue 3.5% until police contract is settled
- Mourice Waltz Planners & Consultants- 2017 Sewage Enforcement Services, fee schedule
- Wage Rates- Full-time and part-time 2017
- 2017 Standardized Billing Rates (regular and OT rates)
- Grant Sbmission- CMU Sustainable Communities – for a signage project (Lawrence Avenue)
Community Development/Buildings
- Reject bid- 299 Wampum Ave – bidder pulled out
All items discussed will be voted upon at the next council meeting, Dec. 19 starting at 6p.m.
Taxes in Ellwood go up every year. Revitilization? Of what? Raise taxes fix nothing renovate nothing.
Council and town is worthless