Ellwood City School Board February Meeting Brief

The following is a brief summary of the Ellwood City Area school board meeting held on Feb. 11:


  • A tax refund request was denied. The request was based on an erroneous millage calculation, as the property owner insisted a mil is 1/100,000, not 1/1,000.
  • A motion to approve the audit report performed by the Philip Weiner Company for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015 was tabled until a special meeting on Feb. 23. Vice President Matt Morella asked if the budget committee could meet with a representative to fully explain the audit report, as Morella didn’t want to approve a report he didn’t completely understand.


  • The spring coaches were approved. The coaches are as follows:
    Gary Rozanski, head softball coach; Rick McClintick, Robyn Nicklas, and Kay Bellissimo, assistants; Bill Garroway, junior high coach, Merle MacDonald, assistant; Bob Sudano, Amy Lutz, Curt Agostinelli, and Susie Blyth, volunteers.
    Jeff Fotia, head baseball coach; Vic Sharek, assistant; Bob Varatti, junior varsity; Ralph Detullio, junior high; Russ Ochsenhirt, Tony Biega, Rob Wilson, Sonny Olayer, Joseph Ricciuti and Brad Welsh, volunteers.
    Jenna Ruciutti, middle school volleyball; John Dibuono, assistant.
    Al Campman and Tom Natale, head track coaches; Tony Nocera, Jim Thompson, Patty Petrak, Dave Braymer, Matt Jadlowiec, assistants; Christ Ludwig, Frank D’Ambrosia and Emily Toland, volunteers.
    Dave Braymer, head junior coach; April Nichols, assistant.


  • The Ellwood City Art Club’s request to use an unused art room in the basement of Lincoln High School was approved. They will hold classes on weekday evenings and the fourth Saturday of the month.
  • The scheduling model for grades third through sixth was approved. Third graders will stay with one teacher. Fourth grade will have two homerooms split into dyads. Fifth and sixth grade will share eleven teachers. There will be two homerooms of five teachers each and the eleventh teacher will teach social studies for all classes. Each student will have six teachers each day.

New Business

  • At the conclusion of the meeting, board member Jennifer Tomon requested that the district create a video surveillance policy, as she found several districts in the area that do have one.

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